Friday, November 29, 2019
Internet Connections through LED Bulbs and Light Waves (Li
Design in relation to technology refers to the study involving the construction of man-made objects used to solve human needs. The devices designed must always meet the set scientific standards. The Li-Fi project is a design that was done by a group of Chinese scientists who succeeded to produce internet signals which were sent exclusively through light bulbs.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Connections through LED Bulbs and Light Waves (Li-Fi) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The process of conducting the tests involved hooking up of computers to LED bulbs. Thus, they were able to connect to the web using light waves as a carrier instead of the usual radio frequencies as is the case with Wi-Fi. The scientists were able to prove that the designed project could transfer data at a rate of 150mbps. Furthermore, they made the LED lights to act as digital switches by using them to either connect to the intern et or cut the connection. Hence, this technology has made it possible to pave way for LED bulbs to be retrofitted and turned into hotspot access points for broadband networks in both home and office networks (Designboom 2013). The internet is a resource used by each and every individual including the government, companies, institutions and enterprises. The technology is superb as it addresses the needs of most people in society. The internet is an asset for everyone whether young or old and in addition it is of utmost importance to all. The Li-Fi design is a very good piece of technology since it is cost effective and efficient. The cost of LED bulbs is extremely low as compared to the Wi-Fi adapters, access points and repeaters used for the usual broadband connections for both wide area networks and local area networks. The design is sustainable as LED bulbs are available in each and every country in the world. Acquiring LED bulbs will not be a problem in any region even in the thi rd world countries. The Li-Fi project is a very viable project as it does not require a lot of technological expertise like Wi-Fi and the technology is simple and if understood can be implemented by an ordinary individual as long as they have basic knowledge of networking.Advertising Looking for essay on engineering? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Li-Fi project is also a very innovative project as internet connection is a very dynamic field. This design meets the criteria that the field of internet connection requires because it is fast, cheap and very flexible. It also makes internet connection easily accessible to areas where there is no broadband coverage. The design is aesthetic as it captures the eye of a viewer. It makes an individual develop interest to learn more about the device. Thus, considering the usefulness of the design, it is applicable to everyone irrespective of the generational, religious and cultural d ifferences. As far as portability is concerned the design did not meet the standards since it looks bulky and not easily portable (Schubert 2003). The Li-Fi project seems very massive as depicted by its image. It would require a lot of space to be able to accommodate this piece of technology. Although, weighing the strengths and weaknesses of the Li-Fi project I would say it is worth a try. Slow internet connection is one of the most annoying things in the world and this design curbs the problem as the speed of 150 megabits by second is considerably high. Thus, this design if implemented will be a success. Works Cited Designboom 2013. Web. Schubert, Fred. Light-Emitting Diodes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Print. This essay on Internet Connections through LED Bulbs and Light Waves (Li-Fi) was written and submitted by user Tyrell W. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Events and Mistakes That Led to the Revolutionary War Essays
Events and Mistakes That Led to the Revolutionary War Essays Events and Mistakes That Led to the Revolutionary War Essay Events and Mistakes That Led to the Revolutionary War Essay Essay Topic: Revolutionary Road post university| Events and Mistakes that led to the Revolutionary War| | | By. Bryan J. Korec| 9/25/2011| | The American Revolution displayed certain stages throughout that matched with the broad general pattern. As a prelude before the Revolution itself, there were already preliminary symptoms of unrest within America that followed the first step in the general pattern of revolutions. Prior to the initial shots in 1775, growing discontent against the British Government who were passing certain acts that the Americans thought as very unfair had already risen to a high degree. With the majority of acts incurring economic and financial costs, by 1767, the Townshend Acts had been passed, putting further taxes on paper, glass and tea. Upon the taxes that the Stamp Act of 1965 incurred on such items as newspapers, official documents and almanacs, the American people became highly agitated and a feeling of resentment quickly spilled over the masses, ‘several person were for dying rather than submitting to it ’ [pg52 Maier, P. ] Additionally, the Colonialist became increasingly violent, ‘Almost immediately after the Acts [implementation], outbreak of mob activity. By 1770, the preliminary symptom of unrest displayed through protest and discontent was evident. The Colonialist did not feel that they were obligated to be subject to these taxes without representation in British Parliament. Additionally, the psychological pre-condition associated with the cause of war was present in the Colonialist discontent regarding the numerous Acts bearing economic consequences. Not only had the events up till 1770 displayed active protests and early mob activity, it also hinted at the potential oncoming violence the growing mob could inflict which was the next step in the general broad pattern of revolutions. Following on from active demonstrations and protests, the American Revolution followed the general pathology through to the advanced symptoms of unrest which was characterized by the creation of a violent mob during the Boston Massacre in 1770. Taking place on the March 5th 1770, the massacre found its backdrop against a dispute between a colonialist and British soldier. After a misunderstanding between Edward Gerrish and Captain Lieutenant John Goldfinch, Private White mishandled the dispute by striking Gerrish on the head. Resulting from this a growing crowd of American colonialist gathered taunting White. Being relieved, Captain Preston went down to relieve the crowd. Amongst the crowd, one of Preston’s men was struck down. Immediately after this, Preston’s men fired on the crowd killing five and injuring a further six men. The response to the ‘massacre’ was self-evident, with numerous artists drawing upon this incident for numerous pieces of anti-British propaganda. The massacre was the final straw for both radical politicians and simple American colonialists in Boston. The word ‘massacre’ used by the Americans was not describing those killed; it was instead referring to the current mood held by many of the colonialists. The colonialists had been ‘massacred’ in a sense that they were no longer going to tolerate British government’s power. Upon the previous acts that implied economic sanctions, the blood of American lives was indeed the last straw. The display of violence acted as both a political pre-condition and characteristic that identified a successful revolution. As a political pre-condition, the murder of five Americans displayed the conflict between the Colonialists and their Imperial masters. Under characteristics, the violence witnessed in Boston fulfilled one of the four characteristics of revolution. With the Colonialist all but effectively severing ties with Britain, the next step of the pathology was met, overthrowing the incumbent government in the form of the drafting and signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Written by Tomas Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence proclaimed that the thirteen colonies of America were no longer a part of the British Empire. Distributed to the public, the Declaration of Independence was signed by fifty-six signatories from all thirteen American colonies. Differing to the pathology, the Declaration of Independence was a passive but firm way of legally and officially severing ties with Britain. Unlike other revolutions, the American Revolution did not physically overthrow the Britain as British parliament still resided in London, ‘We have not raised armies with the ambitious design of separating from Great Britain ’[Weintraub, S. Pg 67] Nevertheless, the Declaration of Independence was a significant milestone in the American Revolution. The Declaration of Independence displayed two of the characteristics of revolution; ideology and leadership. Foundational to the Declaration were two philosophical themes- individual rights and the right of revolution- derived from the English philosopher John Locke. Locke advocated that an individual’s rights rose above the power of any group or government, ‘The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges everyone ’ [Locke, J. PgN/a]. That individual was entitled to his or her own course of action, not bound to a third party. As part of his social contract theory, Locke expounded that according to natural law, people had a right to life, liberty and estate. He maintained that people could instigate a revolution if a government acted against the interests of its people and replace it with one it deemed fit. Additionally, the importance of leadership is seen within the implementation of the Declaration. Without the brains ‘Committee of Five’ which drafted the original declaration, the American Revolution would not have taken the next step in its successful progression. The Declaration of Independence was indeed an important part of America’s Revolution. Not only did it fulfill the ‘overthrow of existing government’ step within the revolution pathology, it also displayed two of the four integral characteristics associated with revolution. In response to the Declaration of Independence, King Henry dispatched a significant British force to put down the perceived colonial problem within America. This marked the next step within the board pattern of revolutions which was the clash between the Revolutionaries and Counter-Revolutionaries in a ‘Civil War’. For the majority of the time from 1775 to 1781, the British enjoyed success in both the Northern and Southern theatres of war. Throughout the New York and Jersey Campaign General Howe pursued a battered patriot army led by George Washington, ‘With remnants of his army in tents, Washington had already disconsolately on December 18th 1776, ‘the game is nearly up’’ [Weintraub, S. Pg84]. If not for a few strategic victories at Trenton and Moore’s Creek Bridge, Washington’s army may well have surrendered to Howe’s British troop. The turning points and ultimate demise of Britain’s objective to put down the rebellion came during the Battle of Saratoga in 1777 and the Siege of Yorktown in 1781. General Burgoyne, coming from the north was meant to meet up with Howe’s army based in Philadelphia. The objective was to cut and divide the American colonies with the two armies meeting up at Albany. However Burgoyne was met by a Continental Army led by Gates. This ended in British defeat and the surrender of Burgoyne’s army. The American’s victory at Saratoga was a turning point because it renewed revolutionary confidence and determination after Howe’s successful campaign in New York and New Jersey. Additionally, it also encouraged France to actively and openly support the Americans cause. Yorktown Virginia was the next vital turning point, resulting in a American victory. After several demoralizing defeats and the toll the war had taken on the British merchants and economy, Britain withdrew effectively ending the war and handing the Americans a successful revolution. Although not a ‘civil war’ in nature, America’s ongoing conflict with Britain from 1775 till 1781 marks its own distinct deviation from the general pathology of revolutions. Though they were a series of battles that pitched Revolutionaries against Counter-revolutionaries, the conflict between America and Britain does not match the definition of a ‘civil war’. Furthermore, America totally bypassed the next two steps within the pattern of revolutions. It did not encounter or experience a rise of extremists or reign of terror. Rather, after the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783 America went into a seemingly prosperous period, an immediate post revolutionary society. The extent to which the American Revolution followed the broad pattern of revolutions is at best difficult to totally assess. Though the first two stages of the broad pattern align almost perfectly, from there on, the American Revolution seemed to take its own course. Though somewhat resembling the stages of the board pattern, the success of the American Revolution took a different and at times ‘short-cut’ path to post-revolutionary America. The whole entirety of the revolution however did exhibit characteristics and causes of revolution at all times. Through the Acts passed by British parliament, it is safe to assume that the catalyst to the American Revolution was significantly economic in nature. Though hazy, there is one concrete fact known about the American Revolution. It was the result of a mature preference for freedom, not a vague ill-defined craving for independence onset by economic circumstances that ultimately brought about the succesion of America.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ealth care process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ealth care process - Essay Example By reviewing the steps and their sequence as to who performs each step, and how efficiently the process works, an organization can often visualize opportunities for improvement. The process mapping tool may also be used to evaluate or redesign a current process. Additional information, including tools and resources to assist an organization that wants to adopt process mapping as an improvement strategy, can be found in the Redesigning a System of Care to Promote QI module. Specific steps are required to deliver optimal health care services. When these steps are tied to pertinent clinical guidelines, then optimal outcomes are achieved. These essential steps are referred to as the critical (or clinical) pathway. The critical pathway steps can be mapped as described above. By mapping the current critical pathway for a particular service, an organization gains a better understanding of what and how care is provided. When an organization compares its map to one that shows optimal care for a service that is congruent with evidence-based guidelines, it sees other opportunities to provide or improve delivered care. In this module, improvement strategies are presented based on what has worked for other health care organizations. Changes are applied throughout an existing critical pathway so it works more effectively. QI strives to enable an organization to achieve the ideal critical pathway, which is one that allows the care team and patient to interact productively and efficiently to achieve optimal health outcomes.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Executive Leadership in Public Organizations Assignment - 1
Executive Leadership in Public Organizations - Assignment Example The Sunroof community performance will be determined by multiple experiences of leaders, and the outcome reflected at individual and community level (Wart, 2012). In order to achieve better performance, the community should build the capacity of new leaders by provides sufficient information through utilization of wisdom of the older generation (Cleveland, 1985). The community should inspire the new generation of leaders by building their capacity and matching individual goals with community goals so that individual leader’s achievement can translate to community advancement. The leadership performance can be determined by the community standards (Wart, 2012). Therefore, Sunroof community should utilize the leadership programs to impart the new generation of leaders with the relevant knowledge and use those programs as a benchmark for measuring performance standards in all community aspects such as social, cultural and economic aspects (Cleveland, 1985). In order to surpass th e previous leadership performance, the community should make a review of the leadership programs and modify the components that did not work according to the community expectations. The community should involve a diversified team of leaders who can identify and solve various issues affecting the community (Wart, 2012). The aim of the community is to train a new class of leaders that will take place of the former group and maintain the status quo of the Sunroof City as a community model for advancing science, innovation, culture and knowledge. As a diversified community and a role model in performance, the community should ensure they obtain leaders from various cultural and intellectual backgrounds to promote a unity of the community and retain creativity. The community should ensure they obtain new leaders from all cultural and intellectual background in order to achieve the organizational goals (Cleveland, 1985). Â
Monday, November 18, 2019
Foodborne illness Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Foodborne illness - Thesis Example In this specific case, experts presumed the hen houses in which the eggs are produced were also home to rodents, which can taint food products with salmonella bacteria. There is no indication from these sources that a violation of HACCP procedures occurred, or that the cause of the salmonella was the result of an accident. In many cases of outbreak, it is best to treat the effects of the problem immediately before addressing its cause (Anders & Caswell, 2009). Although macrotrends of increasing foodborne illnesses are apparent, there has not been any significant increase in the number outbreak cases within the period from 2005 to 2008 (Nyachuba, 2010). Such outbreaks are preventable during the different stages of food consumption: namely, by the use of good agricultural practices at the first stage, which includes rigorous use of the HACCP program, good manufacturing practices, and standard operating procedures for sanitation. Part of this commitment to food safety might include trai ning employees to avoid food contamination by properly sanitizing equipment and food-contact surfaces and preventing cross-contamination.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Intellectual Property Statement of Ethics
Intellectual Property Statement of Ethics Akhil Reddy Leburu Abstract This paper briefly describes about intellectual properties and ethical statements which plays an important role in the society. Intellectual property defines the creativity of a unique skills of an individual. Plagiarism is taking someones work without giving credit to them. This is the most ethical statement that everyone should follow. Keywords: Intellectual property, Plagiarism. Intellectual Property Statement of Ethics Intellectual property is defined creative thinking that is implemented by humans such as images, movies, research etc. Innovators, artists and business owners are granted certain rights to a variety of untouchable assets for the specific period. Intellectual property provides patent to industries, designing, copyrights and for innovative inventions. Intellectual property is an intangible asset to a company; it gives confidence to the business partners and financial institutions to collaborate or to invest with an organization. Intellectual property can be protected by the copyrights, the term original in the copyright law means it is originated with the author so that it protects ones own ideas or creations or inventions (IPOS, 2016). The main purpose of protection of copyrights and related rights is to encourage and reward creative work. Plagiarism Plagiarism is obtaining someones work and not giving back the credit. It can be identified easily and avoided by copyright laws. There are several reasons for plagiarism that include; laziness of the people leads to the stealing of other person ideas and works, people who rush to do things in last minute are meant to do things that would make easier, lack of knowledge on proper citation, various topics availability on internet so that people can easily copy required content in the manner with paraphrasing it that leads to plagiarism, lack of knowledge on understanding the effects of plagiarism and attitude, procrastination are also reasons for plagiarism. It someone copys other information which leads to the loss of their ability to think, knowledge on research work or task and loss of improving their written skills (, 2014). Ethical and responsible uses of intellectual property The main purpose of using intellectual property is encouraging people towards learning and to provide opportunity towards new inventions. Intellectual properties can be protected with different tool which include; copyrights, trademarks and patents. Copyrights provides protection to the works of creators such as books, music, songs, films, computer programs, paintings, databases, advertisements, maps and technical diagrams. The patent is only right granted for the innovations. It helps to decide the owner of the patent. So, the owner can have the right to exchange their copyrights in the market. Unethical uses of intellectual property Most of the organization or individual persons used others creations or brand names without taking any permission from authorized persons that leads to destroying of civilization, it cant be used for illegal activities such as creating cultural differences, illness, spread diseases which result in human death and unethical usage of ones intellectual property creates legal issues so that intellectual property should be utilized in specific manners. Many people download the content like music, movies and games etc. from the unknown source without taking from the original sites that affects the people who dedicate their time and money for in making those happen. Four statements of self-best practice I do not just copy and paste the data from any source, I will quote the statement which is referred and name the source. I will use the plagiarism tools that are available online and review the text. I will think in a creative way that is unique from others. I will make a copyright of my work for future purposes. Actions for ethical usage of intellectual property I will share the details of original author while using their writings in prescribed format. I would like to identify the unique work of others and share. Plagiarism tools can help to identify the text format whether it is copied or not. I would like to protect intellectual property to give credit for the authors and to encourage creative thinking. Actions to avoid unethical usage of intellectual property I wouldnt encourage the plagiarism by destroying the rules and regulations which are formed by the university. I wouldnt use intellectual property when writing a paper or for the research work. I wont use un-copyrighted prints or movies to respect of original authors or makers. References Government of United Kingdom. (2014, November 18). Exceptions to copyright. Retrieved January 27, 2017, from IPOS. (2016, Sep 21). What is Intellectual Property and what are the different types? Retrieved Jan 27, 2017, from (2014). WHAT IS PLAGIARISM? Retrieved Jan 27, 2017, from WIPO. (2016). What is Intellectual Property? Retrieved Jan 27, 2017, from
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Athens :: Geography Greece Papers
Athens Problems with format Three interesting sites in Athens include the Olympieion, Roman Market, and Hadrian?s library.? The emperor Hadrian[1] played an important role in the history and construction of all three of these sites, lending his name to parts of the various structures.? All three sites are located within close proximity of each other, and serve as examples of the vibrant, changing, and extensive history of the city of Athens.? The architectural styles are also definitive of the many different artistic and cultural eras these monuments have endured. Olympieion The Olympieion is also called the Kolonnes or the Temple of the Olympian Zeus, and according to tradition, it dates back to the time of the mythical Deucalion, according to Pausanias, and is connected to ancient cosmogonies.[2]? According to other ancient sources, this ancient temple was also associated with the early cults of Zeus?hence the name.? Construction of the Temple of the Olympian Zeus began in approximately 515 BCE by Peisistratos the Younger, but it was not finished due to the ?fall of tyranny in Athens.?[3]? Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the king of Syria, tried to resume the construction around 174 BCE, and it was finally finished under Hadrian (who was intrigued by Greek art and culture) in 124-125 CE.[4]? The rectangular-based temple stands 250 meters long by 130 meters wide, making it one of the largest temples in the ancient world, though as Frommer?s remarks, ?it may be more appealing as a ruin than it ever was as a contender for the title ?mother of all temples.[5]? Nevertheless, this temple, one of seven wonders of the ancient world,[6] is the largest temple in Greece, and the largest temple built in the Corinthian[7] style of architecture.? Originally, the structure probably consisted of about 104 to 108 columns (there is disagreement among sources), however today only 16 remain.? Of those 16, only 15 remain standing, as one was struck by lightning in 1852.[8]? These large columns stand 17.25 meters high and have diameters of approximately 1.7 meters.? The gate to the temple was built by Hadrian in 131 CE and functioned as a triumphal arch.? The inscriptions found here are also interesting parts of Hadrian's arch.? On the northeast side (the side facing the Acropolis), the inscr iption reads, ?This is Athens, the ancient city of Theseus. On the southeast side, however, there is a different, contrary inscription that reads, ?This is the city of Hadrian and not Theseus.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Areas of Learning
|Area |Extending learning and development | |Quiet/reading area |The quiet area allows children to develop their understanding of the written word; they learn that words convey meaning and that| | |this is mirrored by the pictures that are in the books. | |They develop interaction with others through the use of books and listening | | |They learn to share and co-operate | | |They learn concentration and self control | | |They learn about the world around them, concepts, ideas and morals | | |They learn to take care of possessions | |Small world |The children learn to role play and to share and take turns with others | | |They learn social interaction and effective communication | | |The learn tolerance and understand of other people’s ideas and beliefs | | |The develop their fine motor skills | | |They learn about the world in which they all live | |Role play |The children learn to role play, to pretend and to accept other’s as part of that pretence | | |They learn to socialise, to share toys and ideas | | |They develop their imagination | | |The imitate talk and behaviour | | They learn to dress themselves | | |The develop their ability to take on a role and develop it | | |They share and take turns | | |They mark make | | |They mimic and copy | |Mark making |In mark making they learn to use different mediums to create marks | | |They develop their fine motor skills | | |They extend their language | | |They make decisions, take turns and share | | |They develop an understanding of the written word and learn that words convey meaning | | |The improve their manual dexterity and hand eye co-ordination | | |They develop their understanding of topics and show pride in their achievements They learn to write, draw and recognise colour | | |They develop control and concentration | |Maths/ICT |In this area they learn more/less | | |They will develop problem solving and logic | | |The children will learn to communicate and develop the use of mat hematical language | | |They will learn hand eye-co-ordination, fine and gross motor skills | | |They will develop their understanding of number, counting and it’s symbolic representation | | |They will compare, contrast, match and sort (using various criterion) | |They will develop and awareness of computer and mouse control | | |They will learn to share and take turns | |Craft |The children will use a variety of different mediums to create | | |They will develop fine motor skills and hand eye co-ordination | | |They will learn about colour, pattern and texture | | |The will use their imagination and draw upon their understanding of the world in which they live. | |The children develop their creative awareness and independence | | |They will use imagination and problem solving | | |The will develop their social skills, communication and co-operative skills | | |The will begin to develop self-expression , confidence and creative flair | |Outside |The children will under stand the environment, learning about weather and the world in which they live | | |They will develop their spatial awareness /gross motor skills | | |The will explore their manipulative skills/sense of balance/agility skills/risk taking | | |The will develop their spatial awareness/fine manipulative/gross motor skills | | |They will develop their hand-eye and foot-eye co-ordination/ locomotive skills | | |They will develop social skills, turn taking, sharing and creativity | | |They will develop their language and communication skills | |They will develop their confidence and awareness of their own capabilities as well as pushing themselves a little more to learn | | |new skills | Whilst the children are learning through their play and through all the skills and areas above we will monitor and support them in order to help them develop in the right way. We will encourage good behaviour and discourage negative behaviour. We will give the children confidence to develop their skill set, confidence and capabilities. We keep a continual record of their achievements so that we can monitor their progress and highlight and areas for special consideration. In this way we will engender high levels of expectation and achievement.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Top 7 Apps For a Polished Writing
Top 7 Apps For a Polished Writing You have your rough draft finished. Now the tough part. You know you are not that skilled in grammar and usage, and your essays and papers tend to get lower grades because of this failing. Consider yourself lucky to be living in this technological age. Students before you had to live with their writing deficits or find some trusted friend to do their editing for them. You dont. There are now great apps and tools that will make all of those corrections for you, and heres 7 that you can begin to use today. You will never again have to submit a piece of writing that is not completely polished and ready for a good grade. ProWritingAid: This is a great app, if you want flexibility in pricing for what your specific needs are. There is one version that is totallly free and that will provide 19 reports related to verb tense, subject-verb agreement, awkward phrasing, sentence structure errors, mechanics, and so forth. You do have a word limit 3000 in fact which translates to about a 12-page essay or paper. And there is no interactive editing. Your errors will be pointed out and you will be responsible for fixing them. But, if you can cough up $35 a year, you will have an unlimited number of pages and you will get interactive editing you will receive suggestions for repairing your errors, and you can choose to accept them or not. For an additional $5/year, you will get the whole enchilada which would be particularly useful for grad students working on theses and dissertations. Grammarly This app is so user friendly. Once you are registered with username and password, all you do is log in and upload your document. Grammarly takes care of all the rest. As you can see from the screen shot above, it will underline errors and place the corrections in the right margin. You can edit you work right there. Grammarly has a plagiarism check that can be activated with just one click too. The free version does not allow for all of the features, of course, but for $49, you have a permanent piece of software with unlimited usage. This app is great for students from high school forward, and is especially great for college students who are anticipating several years of academic study. Hemingway This app is titled Hemingway, after the author who was famous for simple sentences and brevity of language to get his point across. There are 5 categories of editing, each one color coded. When there is a grammar error, you will see the problem lit up in blue. If you have sentences that are to complex and cumbersome, they will be highlighted in red. And once all that highlighting is finished, there will be suggestions. Hemingway also gives you a readability level which is particularly important for college students. There is a free web app which will give you basic editing in the cloud, but you cannot save your pieces. For $6.99, however, you can download the app either on Mac or Windows devices. AftertheDeadline This is a tool that works much like Grammarly or Hemingway, but really focuses in on grammar, spelling, and punctuation. While it will point out run-on sentences and fragments, it will not point out awkwardness of phrasing and such unless you upgrade. It too has color-coded messages that underline errors and provides the grammar rule that applies. It is then up to you to make the corrections based upon the grammar rule. This app is free, but if you want the fixes given as well, you will need to upgrade to the paid version. Students should know that this app does not differentiate among American, British and Canadian English, and this might be a bit of a drawback. But, if you have a separate spellcheck feature on your word processing program, spelling should not be an issue. SlickWrite This is an app for copywriters, students, business writers anyone who must have polished writing for the view of others. It operates much like other editing tools. Check out the demo before you decide if you want to purchase this app there are options pricing levels based upon how much editing/polishing you want. BibMe Bibliographies are no longer a problem with this app. All you do is type in the bibliographical information, choose your citation style, and this free app generates a citation which you can then just copy and paste into your bibliography page. If you want to save your citations, you will have to upgrade to the paid version. ProCustomWriting
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Baiji - Facts and Figures
Baiji - Facts and Figures Name: Baiji; also known as Lipotes vexilifer, the Chinese River Dolphin and the Yangtze River Dolphin Habitat: Yangtze River of China Historical Epoch: Late Miocene-Modern (20 million-10 years ago) Size and Weight: Up to eight feet long and 500 pounds Diet: Fish Distinguishing Characteristics: Moderate size; long snout About the Baiji The Baijialso known as the Chinese River Dolphin, the Yangtze River Dolphin and (less frequently) by its species name, Lipotes vexiliferoccupies that unfortunate interval between a dwindling number of sightings and functional extinction. This graceful, moderately sized, freshwater dolphin once occupied a thousand-mile stretch of Chinas Yangtze river, but it hasnt exactly flourished in modern times; as long ago as 300 B.C., early Chinese naturalists counted only a few thousand specimens. If the Baiji was imperiled back then, you can imagine the reasons it has completely disappeared today, with over 10 percent of the worlds population lining the shores (and exploiting the resources) of the Yangtze River. Like a patient dying of a terminal disease, extraordinary efforts were made to resuscitate the Baiji when people realized it was about to go extinct. In the late 1970s, the Chinese government established reserves along the Yangtze River for the Baiji, but most individuals died shortly after being relocated; even today, authorities maintain no less than five Baiji reserves, but there have been no confirmed sightings since 2007. It may yet prove possible to reintroduce the Baiji by breeding captive individuals, a program known as de-extinction, but its more likely that the very last Baiji will die in captivity (as has happened with many other recently extinct animals, such as the Passenger Pigeon and the Quagga).
Monday, November 4, 2019
Securing the Cloud Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Securing the Cloud - Essay Example Cloud computing provides for dynamically scalable and virtualized sources on the internet for online business applications which utilize software and data resources which are stored in the servers. Cloud Computing has also been defined as a revolutionary development of certain existing computing technologies and approaches into a form that is capable of separating the application and database from the infrastructure and mechanisms that are employed to deliver them. Cloud computing augments the cooperation, suppleness, size, accessibility and also offers significant cost reduction with the use of optimized and competent computing techniques, (Armbrust, and Griffith, et al., 2009). Cloud computing is basically the use of group of services, data sources and technical applications, all of which can be swiftly rearranged, reconditioned, implemented and also decommissioned with the help of an allocation model. In order to increase the scope of the services offered, the resources are set away from the infrastructure that is employed to deliver the results. For example, for a particular service to be based upon cloud computing technology, the internet can be utilized for transport and the browser as an accessibility tool – which states that the sources are at all the times shared in a multi-tenant surroundings exterior to the â€Å"boundary.†The users, who are serviced through cloud computing services, do not possess any kind of infrastructure, the user only pays for the resources they utilize and therefore avoid the capital costs by renting the infrastructure from a third part owner. The infrastructure behind the cloud computing is composed of efficient services through the use of virtual data centers that are based upon virtualization technologies, (Armbrust, and Griffith, et al., 2009). The cloud computing services can be
Saturday, November 2, 2019
US airways's new Market - China Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
US airways's new Market - China - Term Paper Example It is a subsidiary of the US Airways Group with its headquarters in Temple, Arizona. The airline company operates both domestically and internationally. Being one of the biggest names, it would obviously want to explore the Asian markets. However, the major determining factor in this regard would be the pricing of fuel in the coming fiscal year, the economic scenario and the state of the aviation fleet. Interestingly, the company had already received permission from the sovereign authority to fly from Philadelphia to China back in 2008. However, due to the global economic slowdown, the project got delayed. This paper aims to understand the impact of the business environment of China on the expansion of US Airways and the possible marketing strategies to be adopted. Under the leadership of MAO Zedong, China had developed as a socialist state. However since 1978, under the leadership of DENG Xiaoping and with a favorable attitude towards globalization, a pro-market economic structure had materialized with a positive outcome through an increased GDP (â€Å"East & Southeast Asia: China†). The majority of the population is Buddhist with Christians and Muslims forming the minority. Chinese population is equally distributed between the urban and rural areas such that only 50% of the population lives in the urban areas with the rate of urbanization hovering around a mere 2% (â€Å"East & Southeast Asia: China†). Occupationally, majority of the population are engaged in the agricultural sector (around 50%), even though agriculture makes a relatively lesser contribution in GDP, while the shares in the industry and services sector stand around 22% and 28% respectively (Yoo 187). Level of education Figure 2: Education level in China Source: (â€Å"East & Southeast Asia: China†) Mobility In the wake of the pro-market reforms and globalization, China’s occupational mobility is undergoing paradigm shifts (â€Å"Occupational Mobility and Migration in China†). This is causing a rapid change in the age-old social division, according to occupational natur e. Due to the increasing unemployment and large lay-offs by government and private enterprises, the masses are increasingly migrating to the urban areas in search of employment. Both the mobility between jobs and places has increased on this account. This will be an added advantage for US Airways. Transportation The traditional form of transportation in China revolves around the railways. However, roadways, airports and waterways also comprise the other forms of transportation. The total area covered by the roads is 4,106,387 km with a paved length of 3,453,890 km and unpaved length of
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