Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Employment and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Work and Society - Essay Example In such a case, an employees’ work environment stops to exist bringing about an excess. There exists an error between the principal cause and the second, as the main case includes a general shut down of business while the second includes just the work environment for the specialist and not both manager and representative. Redundancies additionally happen when a business disposes of the work or obligations that a representative completes totally. For this situation, the job a representative plays in a business stops to exist prompting their excusal as there is nothing for the said worker to do. Likewise, decreases lead to redundancies trying to reduce the quantity of representatives on some random business. In such manner, the quantity of individuals doing a given obligation gets diminished yet not wiped out by and large. Be that as it may, redundancies in some random business ought to be stayed away from as it influences parties included, bosses and workers. This can be endeavored by using a wide scope of implies that don't influence the two gatherings straightforwardly however work progressively. One approach to slice redundancies is through the procedure of common wastage. This is where a worker chooses to exit their positions voluntarily and not on the grounds that the business might want them to stop. In such cases, the worker may choose to resign or change occupations to one that they feel more qualified. Besides, enrollment freezes function admirably in dodging such circumstances. This is by neglecting to select or enlist new specialists into a business, accordingly cutting the danger of redundancies. Furthermore, an association may decide to stop or lessen additional time or offer early retirement to volunteers; be that as it may, retirement alternatives might be available to age segregation issues. Retraining, redeployment and arrangement of holidays and secondments to existing representatives likewise serve to cut redundancies. Holidays for this situation allude to representatives getting some much needed rest and looking for elective work while accepting a remittance from the business. Other
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Use SOAP to Edit Your Medical Residency Statement
Use SOAP to Edit Your Medical Residency Statement Getting into the medical residency program of choice is based upon a bit of luck, a match with the program, and your personal statement. Lets take a look at some mistakes and typical areas of weakness in the many personal statements Ive edited. While these examples and themes came from applicants to medical residency programs, the same challenges and advice apply to other graduate-level programs as well.Applicants at this level have already accomplished a great deal with their careers and in their lives. The challenge is usually not to find what to write about, but rather how to retain focus, organize and convey the personality of the applicant. Lets go thru some themes which highlight typical mistakes and patterns which need to be converted to expected forms of polite, academic and professional writing.Well do a little bit of wordplay on the SOAP note familiar to physicians.S: Simple detailsIve seen both extremes in the writing of my customers. On the one hand some applicants write with very colloquial and informal English which needs to be polished up. On the other hand, others write very extended and lengthy sentences which need simplification. Neither is particularly appropriate for these application statements. Reviewers are looking thru hundreds of statements and they like to read organized and clearly constructed sentences. Simple sentences are good, but they should also provide useful and compelling details.For example, one could write something like After completing my second-year residency at General One Hospital I did a fellowship in pediatrics where I realized I loved working with children. Split this sentence in two, and be more specific with the second half, for example, I completed my second year at General One Hospital. During my pediatric fellowship there my extensive exposure to terminally ill pediatric oncology patients heightened my awareness of treating both the patient and working with their extended families. This second sentence does thr ee things, it demonstrates your medical vocabulary, conveys your personality, and describes in detail your exposure to this specialty.O: OrganizeTheres a typical chronological theme in most statements. This may or may not be appropriate. Depending on your experiences, focus most of your text on describing recent and pertinent information related to the specialty that you are interested in. Ive seen statements that spend two or three paragraphs on describing pre-medical school awards and interest, family background, and specific details on the names of each fellowship or hospital one has worked in. Its not usually necessary to list each organization that youve studied or worked in, that information is provided elsewhere in your application packet. Its also not usually going to add much to provide early history information, youve already made it to medical school, and everyone assumes youre competent!Therefore, when you organize your personal statement, I recommend you write up an out line of supporting experiences which demonstrate your interest in a specialty. The best personal statements Ive read do this very well. For example, the applicant will use one paragraph to write about a medical encounter that was a salient moment in the target specialty. Theyll then spend another paragraph describing further research or observership experiences related to that field. Importantly they will also then write a few sentences on what the target program has to offer. For example, Im particularly interested in the strong research program in this residency. I plan to continue in academic research and further my research in renal disease.A: AddAlthough brevity is key to any good writing, I have found that most applicants write loose sentences. In some ways, this is just a transfer of conversational language down onto paper. This, however, lacks the hallmark of good writing. Schools are looking for applicants that can convey an idea clearly, with detail and brevity. Take for e xample the previous sentence I wrote, it has a very simple structure with three points separated by commas at the end. This structure helps the sentence to convey a great deal of information in an expected format that makes it easy to read. Use this format to add punch to your sentences. You dont want to do this in every sentence but use it at least once or twice in the statement. For example, I have a passion for emergency medicine, I have found it challenges my memory and knowledge, it is exhilarating, and the outcomes are immediate. Another example, I came to the U.S. expecting a great deal and I found my training here state-of-the-art, challenging, and satisfying. Simple, one-two-three.P: PersonalResidency programs are usually not extremely large groups, therefore programs are looking for diversity and personalities that will complement and work well with others in the program. Most applicants do not spend a lot of time describing themselves. This is okay, as its not a dating co ntest, but do take the time to describe your passions, motivations, and experiences in the target specialty as you describe your experiences. For example, Ive seen excellent sentences such as The approach to patient care was holistic and there was an emphasis on psychosocial history. I felt these factors made family practice exciting, versatile and challenging. Another example, I have been impressed by the vast array of clinical presentations and management options for cardiac diseases. I was fascinated by observing how a cardiologist can diagnose many valvular and other cardiac conditions using only a stethoscope.So there you have it, a quick personal statement SOAP note. Use the ideas presented here as your own checklist when reviewing your statement. Are my sentences simple and clear while also providing useful details about my experiences? Is my statement organized, does it lead the reader to conclude that I am an excellent candidate for this program based on my experiences and motivations? Did I add descriptive words, medical terminology, and experiences that demonstrate my mastery of the subject? And finally, is the statement personal? Does it show why I will invest so much time in this specialty?As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, most applicants at this level are already very accomplished in their professional and personal lives. Taking the time to edit, and finding a good editor to work together on this will provide you with the best possible opportunities and also let a little luck work her magic. Continued success to everyone!
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Common Graduate School Admissions Essay Topics
Without a doubt, the admissions essay is the most challenging part of the graduate school application. Fortunately, many graduate programs provide some guidance by posting specific questions for applicants to answer. However, if you are still in need of ideas for an admissions essay, look no further. Composing the graduate admissions essay will never be easy but considering the range of topics ahead of time may help you in planning an effective essay that aids your graduate school application. Experience and Qualifications Academic Achievements: Discuss your academic background and achievements. Of which are you most proud?Research Experiences: Discuss your work in research as an undergraduate.Internships and Field Experience: Discuss your applied experiences in this field. How have these experiences shaped your career goals?Personal Experience and Philosophy: Write an autobiographical essay. Is there anything in your background that you think would be relevant to your application for admission to graduate school? Describe your life up to now: family, friends, home, school, work, and particularly those experiences most relevant to your interests in psychology. What is your approach to life?Strengths and Weaknesses: Discuss your personal and academic skills. Identify your strengths and weaknesses. How will these contribute to your success as a graduate student and professional? How do you compensate for your weaknesses? Interests and Goals Immediate Objectives: Why do you plan to attend graduate school? Explain how you expect graduate school will contribute to your career goals. What do you plan to do with your degree?Career Plans: What are your long-term career goals? Where do you see yourself, career-wise, ten years after graduation?Academic Interests: What would you like to study? Describe your academic interests. What areas would you like to research?Match to Faculty: Explain how your research interests match those of the faculty. With whom would you like to work? Who would you choose as your mentor? Essay Advice Most of your grad school applications will require similar essays, but you not should write a generic essay for all of the programs to which youre applying. Instead, tailor your essay to match each program. This is especially true when describing your research interests and their match to the training provided by the graduate program. Your goal is to show how your interests and abilities fit the program and faculty. Make it clear that you are invested in the program by identifying how your skills and interests match specific faculty in the program as well as the grad programs stated objectives.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
anthropology zoo observations - 1033 Words
Daniela Hunt Dr. Eisentraut Anth101 T/TH October 22,2013 Zoo Assignment For the primate observation project I went to the Santa Barbara zoo to observe and contrast different types of primates. I observed one species of an old world monkey, which was a gorilla and two different species of new world monkeys, which were the Bolivian Grey Titi Monkey and also the Golden Lion Tamerin. The first type of primate I observed was a Bolivian Grey Titi Monkey which is a type of new world monkey species found in areas of eastern Bolivia and also can be found in Brazil. The scientific term for this species is Callicebus donacophilus. These types of monkeys have medium sized body†¦show more content†¦I observed a type of Ape known as the Western Lowland Gorilla. The scientific name for a Gorilla is the Gorilla gorilla. Gorillas are the largest of all living primates and at native to west central Africa. Gorillas exhibit sexual dimorphism within their species because males are very obviously much larger than females. The size of the gorillas came across very intimating and gave me an off impression of what this specie was actually going to be like. While observing the gorillas I noticed that these creatures are very slow, lethargic primates. Gorillas move quadrupedally by putting weight down on their arms and knuckles as they walk. They have hands and opposable thum bs, like humans, and are able to grasp things with a better grip. When Gorillas need to reach above themselves such as for leaves or branches they are able to stand on both legs while reaching. While resting Gorillas sit on their bottoms, legs to the side in a similar position that humans do. When resting I noticed that sometimes Gorillas like to take advantage of the moment by self grooming, using their hands. Gorillas usually have an herbivore diet but eat occasional insects. 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Homeland of the Free Free Essays
In the poem â€Å"Let American Be America Again†by Langston Hughes, the author portrays America as a place where people try to escape their old life of oppression and struggles to this so called â€Å"American Dream†. But, what they find is â€Å"the same old stupid plan of dog eat dog†. Hughes sees that American is being seen as a ideal utopia while he actually views America as a place where there are too many obstacles in the way to achieve the American Dream. We will write a custom essay sample on Homeland of the Free or any similar topic only for you Order Now The dream is only stood in the way by the obstacles we create. For the dream to come true, change must happen. â€Å"The dream that’s almost dead today†. The dream is not what it is but, the dream is what you want it to be. The dream pushes down other people when also, the people who are degrading others are no better. Hughes believes the dream is made out of three things: liberty, equality, and opportunity. He hopes that United States will be the dream where â€Å"opportunity is real, and life is free†. Obstacles that we create are made by our selfishness by being tangled in the â€Å"ancient endless chain Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land! . We discriminate against each other which makes it harder to achieve our goals and dreams. Because of the hatred between each other to certain people makes it that, The Homeland of the free was never The Homeland of the free to them. In the text Hughes states that change is needed if we are to achieve this dream. Hughes says that the U. S. A. has never been the dream it should be. Yet, it must be the dream where it is â€Å"the land where everyman is free. That the land is everyone, the people who made America, â€Å"the poor man’s, Indian’s, Negro’s, MEâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ . We have to work hard to â€Å"bring back our mighty dream again. †The vision of America that Hughes shows is that the U. S. A. is not what it should be. He shows it as a place where America is no different from anywhere else, and that the same things happen. How can America be a utopia if it is made out of imperfect people? He also shows that even though America has not achieved this dream yet, it must become this dream, because America is the dream. How to cite Homeland of the Free, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Vietnam Essays (586 words) - First Indochina War, Vietnam War
Vietnam The Vietnam War was a brutal war that affected millions of people in many different countries. All wars start because there is a difference in people's opinions, and the Vietnam War was no different. It started because France and a Vietnam leader, Ho Chi Minh, had a difference in opinion about the type of government Vietnam should have. To find out why the war broke out you will have to go back to the 1750's. This is where the French started their so-called protectorate state of Vietnam. For many years the people of Vietnam protested but could not organize into a force powerful enough to resist the French. Then in 1946 a communist educated individual called Ho Chi Minh organized the people of North Vietnam and drove out the French rulers in a war that took eight years. During peace settlements in Geneva they allowed North and South Vietnam to become separate nations, divided on the 17th parallel. This was only to last for two years. After two years the two countries would then vote on a common leader and reunite the two countries once more. This never happened. South Vietnam was afraid that a Communist leader would be chosen and the nation would be in ruins. Communist guerrillas in South Vietnam opposing the canceled election began attacks on Southern Vietnam and remaining French officials to gain control of South V ietnam. If North Vietnam was to begin their invasion of South Vietnam the Communist ruler Ho Chi Minh was sure to have complete control over the nation and spread his ideas of communism to neighboring countries. The United States thought that this should not happen so in 1965 the president ordered the bombing of North Vietnam and the landing of US troops in South Vietnam. This then caused North Vietnam to send regular units to the South. That therefore, cause more US troops to become involved. All of this kept building and building until it was a full-scale war. The main cause that lead the Vietnam War to brake out was that the old imperial France thought they could keep a so called protectorate state without giving them any freedom. Then a communist leader came along that united the people and took over in the name of freedom. The U.S. thought that if Vietnam became communist then neighboring countries would soon follow. They did not want communism to spread so they tried to stop it but it did not work out like they thought it would. The United States hatred for communism was what pulled them into the war. Another mishappening that pulled the United States deeper in to the war happened in the first week of August 1964, when North Vietnamese torpedo boats were reported to have attacked two U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. As a result of this attack, former President Lyndon B. Johnson ordered jets to South Vietnam and the retaliatory bombing of military targets in North Vietnam. Later on, this information was found out to be false. The Vietnam War was a very unique war. There has been many different thing said about the Vietnam War. Some say the war was a waste of time because it as not our battle. There are many reasons that caused us to enter into the war. This war was very unique because the U.S. didn't win but did win most of the battles. The U.S. was greatly affected by the war and so was Vietnam. American History
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Sun Gods essays
Sun Gods essays You climb the steep stairs of the temple. As you look around, you see the blood of your fellow prisoners pooled on the floor. You see the priests. They are caked with the blood of their former victims. You hear the drums start. They will muffle your screams. The time is 1531. The place is the great Aztec city of Tenochtitlan. You are about to have your heart ripped out of your still living body to appease the angry gods. This is an example of sun worship. In some cultures, the sun was a blood-hungry deity that required human hearts to shine. To others the sun was the creator of the earth and every thing on the earth. The three most noteworthy cultures that had solar religion were the ancient Egyptians and Aztecs. All of these civilizations had a belief of sacred kingship and an extremely well developed urban culture. For example, when the Spanish conquistadors came to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan they were amazed by the city. "We were amazed....on account of the g reat towers and temples and buildings rising from the water, and all built of masonry. And some of our soldiers even asked whether the things we saw were not in a dream." 1 Their rulers governed by the power of the sun and their royal families believed that they were descended from the sun. Forms of sun worship still exist today, in the mien of some of Christianitys most revered holidays and our modern customs. "Cults of the sun, as we know from many sources, had attained great vogue during the second, third and fourth centuries. Sun-worshippers indeed formed one of the big groups in that religious world in which Christianity was fighting for a place. Many of them became converts to Christianity and in all probability carried into their new religion some remnants of their old beliefs. The complaint of Pope Leo in the fifth century that worshippers in St. Peters turned away from the altar and faced the door so that they could adore the...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Biography of Amalasuntha, Queen of the Ostrogoths
Biography of Amalasuntha, Queen of the Ostrogoths We have three sources for the details of Amalasunthas life and rule: the histories of Procopius, the Gothic History of Jordanes (a summary version of a lost book by Cassiodorus), and the letters of Cassiodorus. All were written shortly after the Ostrogothic kingdom in Italy was defeated. Gregory of Tours, writing in the later 6th century, also mentions Amalasuntha. Procopius version of events, however, has many inconsistencies. In one account Procopius praises the virtue of Amalasuntha; in another, he accuses her of manipulation. In his version of this history, Procopius makes the Empress Theodora complicit in Amalasunthas death but he is often focused on depicting the Empress as a great manipulator. Known for: ruler of the Ostrogoths, first as regent for her sonDates: 498-535 (reigned 526-534)Religion: Arian ChristianAlso known as: Amalasuentha, Amalasvintha, Amalasvente, Amalasontha, Amalasonte, Queen of the Goths, Queen of the Ostrogoths, Gothic Queen, Regent Queen Background and Early Life Amalasuntha was the daughter of Theodoric the Great, king of the Ostrogoths, who had taken power in Italy with the support of the eastern emperor. Her mother was Audofleda, whose brother, Clovis I, was the first king to unite the Franks, and whose wife, Saint Clotilde, is credited with bringing Clovis into the Roman Catholic Christian fold. Amalasunthas cousins thus included the warring sons of Clovis and Clovis daughter, also named Clotilde, who married Amalasunthas half-nephew, Amalaric of the Goths. She was apparently well educated, speaking Latin, Greek, and Gothic fluently. Marriage and Regency Amalasuntha was married to Eutharic, a Goth from Spain, who died in 522. They had two children; their son was Athalaric. When Theodoric died in 526, his heir was Amalasunthas son Athalaric. Because Athalaric was only ten, Amalasuntha became regent for him. After Athalarics death while still a child, Amalasuntha joined forces with the next closest heir to the throne, her cousin Theodahad or Theodad (sometimes called her husband in accounts of her rule). With the advice and support of her minister Cassiodorus, who had also been an advisor to her father, Amalasuntha seems to have continued a close relationship with the Byzantine emperor, now Justinian as when she permitted Justinian to use Sicily as a base for Belisarius invasion of the Vandals in North Africa. Opposition by the Ostrogoths Perhaps with Justinians and Theodahads support or manipulation, Ostrogoth nobles opposed Amalasunthas policies. When her son was alive, these same opponents had protested her giving her son a Roman, classical education, and instead had insisted that he receive training as a soldier. Eventually, the nobles rebelled against Amalasuntha, and exiled her to Bolsena in Tuscany in 534, ending her reign. There, she was later strangled by relatives of some men she had earlier ordered killed. Her murder probably was undertaken with her cousins approval Theodahad may have had reason to believe that Justinian wanted Amalasuntha removed from power. The Gothic War But after Amalasunthas murder, Justinian sent Belisarius to launch the Gothic War, retaking Italy and deposing Theodahad. Amalasuntha also had a daughter, Matasuntha or Matasuentha (among other renderings of her name). She apparently married Witigus, who briefly reigned after Theodahads death. She was then married to Justinians nephew or cousin, Germanus, and was made a Patrician Ordinary. Gregory of Tours, in his History of the Franks, mentions Amalasuntha and tells a story, which is most likely not historical, of Amalasuntha eloping with a slave who was then killed by her mothers representatives and then of Amalasuntha killing her mother by putting poison in her communion chalice. Procopius About Amalasuntha An excerpt from Procopius of Caesaria: The Secret History How Theodora treated those who offended her will now be shown, though again I can give only a few instances, or obviously there would be no end to the demonstration.When Amasalontha decided to save her life by surrendering her queendom over the Goths and retiring to Constantinople (as I have related elsewhere), Theodora, reflecting that the lady was well-born and a Queen, more than easy to look at and a marvel at planning intrigues, became suspicious of her charms and audacity: and fearing her husbands fickleness, she became not a little jealous, and determined to ensnare the lady to her doom.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Weighing the Value, Benefits & True Cost of Outsourcing Information Research Paper
Weighing the Value, Benefits & True Cost of Outsourcing Information Technology - Research Paper Example Information Technology outsourcing is a great way to achieve the organizational objectives in an efficient and cost effective manner. However if practiced properly the benefits of IT outsourcing goes beyond than just mere outsourcing. Outsourcing offer significant business impact that leads to a stable, secure and most importantly a robust business unit that operates like a well oiled machine. The main fundamental of business process outsourcing is to outsource the mundane task to the specialists so that the organization can focus upon the core activities. As a matter of fact that is the very basic root cause of any form of IT outsourcing. However it must also be mentioned that there is another angle to the whole outsourcing saga. As the business landscape gets more and more competitive and the global economy gets unpredictable, a significant effort can be seen on the part of the companies to reduce size of the business units and budgets. Now getting into the shoes of an entrepreneur it is pretty safe to say that it is more likely that the entrepreneur would look to reduce the size of a business department that doesn’t include in the checklist of the core business activities. Such factors are the catalysts behind the rise of outsourcing business. The study has been conducted in lieu of determining the productivity benefits of IT outsourcing and to go beyond the cost effectiveness aspect of IT outsourcing (Delen, 2009. p. 25). A business of any organization irrespective of the size is quite likely to be familiar with recurrent challenges. The chances get even higher in the modern volatile economy. Some of the most familiar challenges include limited budget, shortage of quality manpower, assigning manpower keeping their core competency in mind. To make things harder there is constant need of technology enablement in almost every business department. Whatever be the situation it is pretty needless to say
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Napoleon and Romanticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Napoleon and Romanticism - Essay Example Of the three, it was Byron (1788-1824) who made the biggest impact during his lifetime. His poems acted as a major source of inspiration for generations of Romantics. Unfortunately, his verses have not lasted well. His most famous poems are very long and belong to a more leisurely age when people had the time to read such things. But Don Juan still sparkles with a wit that is most un-English and the shorter lyrical verses can still give much pleasure. The defeat of Napoleon brought no improvement in the condition of the masses. After 1815 there was a deep fall, which paralyzed trade and brought a wide unemployment and poverty. The ranks of the unemployed were swelled by a flood of discharged soldiers and sailors. The victors of Waterloo and Trafalgar were forced to beg for crusts of bread in the streets of London, Manchester and Portsmouth. In an analogy to Stalin, Napoleon, the gravedigger of the French Revolution, was seen by many as the continuator of the revolutionary traditions of 1789-93. Wherever his armies set foot, they set about smashing the old order in Europe, and therefore, in a distorted form, they stood for revolution. On the other hand, the armies of England everywhere defended the forces of reaction. Nelson, the national hero, hanged the patriots of Naples and delivered them over to torture and murder at the hands of the reactionaries. Inside England, the reactionaries went on the rampage, smashing printing presses and beating up suspected radicals. One might say that occasionally the pose seemed more important to him than the idea itself. But this was entirely characteristic of the Romantics in general. It was also characteristic of many Romantics to admire, even worship - Napoleon, the Corsican upstart who had hijacked the French Revolution in its period of decline. The attraction felt for the person of Bonaparte among the Romantics bears a certain resemblance to the attitude of many foreign intellectuals to Stalin. Sincerely sympathizing with the cause of the Russian Revolution and the USSR, they lacked the Marxist understanding to be able to analyze the real nature of Stalin's regime or see any difference between it and the regime of workers' democracy established by Lenin and Trotsky in 1917. Therefore, napoleon is considered just the gravedigger of the French revolution and not the nemesis. Romanticism Romanticism was name given to the new tendency. According to "Walter pater", 'it is the addition of curiosity to the desires of beauty' , the eagerness for new impression and new pleasure, to be sought where the hard work of nature or the artist had been most cunning. More than this it was in revolt against authority, tradition and convention, whether political, social,
Friday, January 24, 2020
Thomas Paine and Common Sense :: Papers
Thomas Paine and Common Sense In early 1776 the sentiment surrounding the idea of revolution was evenly divided in Britain's colonies in America. The feelings were split evenly between those for a revolt, those opposing it and those who were neutral. In January 1776 Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense. The ideas and theories expressed in the pamphlet were very compelling and thorough. Compelling enough to sway much of the undecided colonists to agree that revolt is the necessary course of action. Paine states in the introduction to Common Sense "a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at fist a formidable outcry in defense of custom." This argument is not one of listing injustices or even reasons for revolt but it does provoke the reader to decide if his thoughts are genuine or from not thinking critically about the times and situations. Now that we my "suffer ourselves to examine the component parts of the English Constitution," the faults shall be found. Paine argues one theoretical position that could influence those loyal to the King himself. If the British constitution is a system of checks and balances and the commons are the check on the king then this infers, "That the king is not to be trusted." This brings to light an underlying fault with the way the British system of government is arranged. Paine is against a divided form of government. He feels that simpler government is best. That way the people know whom to hold responsible. He also feels the king did not get better with the creation of a chambered government only subtle. He later states that the system, "hath all the distinctions of an house divided against itself." He then again makes the argument that the loyalists have not opened their eyes to the faults of the British form of government. Paine says that those in favor of the current for m of government feel that way "more from national pride than reason." Paine contends that there is no reason to feel loyalty to Britain. He feels that all the actions of Britain are in its self-interest. He feels the colonies would not need defending if Britain would not bring its enemies to the colonies. There would not have been a French and Indian war because the colonies would not be enemies of the French.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Ownership and location of Tesco and McDonalds Essay
There are many different types of business ownership. The four main privately owned enterprises are: Sole traders – owned and run by one person. Partnerships – owned and run by two or more people. Private limited companies – often a business run by a family protected by limited liability. Public limited companies – large organisations whose shares are floated on the stock exchange. In addition there are two other types: Co-operatives – where a group of people run the enterprise together and share the profits or loses. Franchise – where a large organisation allows a person to sell its products and use its name in exchange for a fee and a share of the profits. All privately owned enterprises are able to be divided into two groups: Those with unlimited liability – sole traders and partnerships Those with limited liability – all companies, some franchise and some co-operatives. Unlimited liability means that the owners are responsible for all the debts. They may even have to sell personal possessions to pay them. If this is not possible then they will declared bankrupt. Limited liability restricts the responsibility of being responsible for all you debts. You only have to pay the debts to the limit of what was invested. Not usually do they have to sell their personal possessions. There are many different advantages and disadvantages to all different types of ownership: Sole traders – owned and run by one individual. Advantages: * The owner has full control of the business and all of its profits. * All profits go to the owner. * The owner can make decisions independently without the need to consult anybody else. * Can easily create a report with customer. * Has the ability to exploit niche market. * No Set up for procedures. Disadvantages: * The owner has unlimited liability. * The profits get ploughed back into the business. * To expand the business, financing needs to be found. Partnerships – Owned and run by two or more people. Advantages: * The responsibility of running and managing the company is shared between the two partners. * Access to a wider range of skills. * More ideas and strategies. * Capitals from the partners can bring in more capital and expansion is possible. * Greater ability to gain bank loans/ financial backing. * No need to file accounts for the public. Disadvantages: * Partnerships have unlimited liability. * If a partner leaves or he/ she is not for filling his/ her position it could affect the business. * A decision has to be made a partner can take it upon his/ her self to make the decision and not consult the other partners. Private limited companies – Often a family run business with the protection of limited liability. Advantages: * Shareholders who own the company may have limited liability. * Business finances and the owner’s finances are separate. * Can take more risks due to limited liability * Usually shareholders are closely involved with the running of the business. * Can raise capital more easily. * More professional appearance: more internal structure. Disadvantages: * Shares can only be sold with the permission of the shareholders. * Shares cannot be sold to the public. * Due to their internal structure more formalities arise. * Larger overhead costs of running the companies. Public limited companies – large organisations whose shares are floated on the stock exchange. Advantages: * Shareholders who own the company have limited liability. * Business finances and the owner’s finances are separate. * Shares can be bought and sold on the stock exchange. * Greater ability to raise further capital and expand resources. * Additional shares can be issued for more funding. * More professional appearance. Disadvantages: * There is a danger of being taken over by another company with the trade of shares. * Less flexible in structure. * More formalities when dealing with decision making. * Larger overhead costs of running the company. Franchise – this is a large company who you pay to use the name of. Advantages: For the franchisee * You will own a business that is already running which means it is nearly a guaranteed success. * You will own an already established company. * Capital should be easier to raise because you will be operating under a well known name. * The franchiser will give advice foe the business running and equipment. For the franchisor * They have the possibility to expand very quickly. * It is easier to expand in foreign countries because you would be selling a franchise to somebody that knows the location, language and people. Disadvantages: For the franchisee * Start up cost so you can use the branded name is very expensive. * A set percentage of your profit will go to the franchiser and you will have to buy your equipment and products from them. * You have to stick to the business’ core activities. For the franchisor * They do not have full control over the organisation. Ownership of Tesco. Tesco unlike McDonalds is a public limited company (PLC). Tesco is a PLC because it is on suck a large scale. A group of partners would not be able to afford funding the company and it is highly unlikely they could get big enough loans, because Tesco is a PLC the shareholders fund the company. The shareholders fund the company by simply buying shares. Investors buying shares in Tesco would feel safer buying because they will get limited liability. This means that only money that has been invested can be lost if Tesco fails. The shareholders do not get a profit from Tesco; they make their money buy selling that shares for more than they originally paid. The advantages that Tesco have of being a PLC are; there is a limited liability for Tesco and all shareholders and it is much easier for Tesco to raise funds. The disadvantages are; Tesco cannot make business decisions instantly because they need to confront company directors and major shareholders and the business can be taken over if somebody buy 51% of shares. I think that this type of ownership is the most appropriate for Tesco because they may need to raise capital fast and they don’t need to be making rash decisions. Ownership of McDonald’s. McDonald’s is a franchise company which is completely different to Tesco’s PLC ownership. A franchise company allows people who currently have nothing to do with McDonald’s to buy a restaurant and use the already well established McDonald’s name. This means that McDonalds do not need to fund their own company, the franchisees will do this. McDonalds have limited liability just like Tesco, meaning that McDonald’s and franchisees can only loose investments. The advantages of McDonald’s having this type of ownership for the franchisor are; having the possibility to expand rapidly and the advantage for the franchisee are; you will own a business that is already running which means it is nearly a guaranteed success, you will own a business that is already established, capital should be easier to raise because you will be operating under a well known name and you will have free business advice from the franchisor. The disadvantage for the franchisor is; you do not have full control over the business and the disadvantages for the franchisee are; start up cost so you can use the branded name is very expensive, a set percentage of your profit will go to the franchiser and you will have to buy your equipment and products from them and you have to stick to the business’ core activities. I think that this type of ownership is a good choice of ownership for McDonalds because they do not have to do research on locations because franchisees will do this. Also McDonalds will be expanding rapidly and they do not have the risk of failing their business. They will be making profits when they aren’t even setting up there restraints. Location. Tesco Location. To investigate Tesco’s location I am going to select a small town and a large city to compare how Tesco locate their stores under different circumstances. Some of the different circumstances I am going to look at are; the size of the area in hand and the population. The town I have selected is Pembroke Dock and the city I have selected is London. Populations: Population of Pembroke Dock: Population 8,676 Post town PEMBROKE DOCK Postcode district SA72 [] Population of London. Population – Total – Density Ranked 2nd 7,512,400[1] (mid-2006) 4,758/kmà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (mid-2006) [] Tesco locate their stores where there is a good ratio between population and competing stores. This is because it is highly unlikely Tesco could run a successful store next to an Asda store where the population of the town is 500 people. So it is important that Tesco choose their location wisely because building unsuccessful stores can be very expensive for Tesco. Tesco generally locate their stores on the outskirts of towns, as you can see on the below maps. Land in this area can range from à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½60,000 for a plot of land where Tesco would not be able to fit a store on up to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½250,000 where you still wouldn’t be able to fit a store. Offers in Excess of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½60,000 Building Plot at Cannons Lane, Pennar, Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire, Pembrokeshire à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½250,000 Plot 15 Barnlake Point, Burton, SA73 Because I cannot find land that is big enough for Tesco to build a store on with adequate room for parking as well as loading bays I don’t feel as though I can comment on the cost of land in this area. Another Tesco stores location; when I typed in London on the Tesco store locator it came back with 110 stores. This tells me that Tesco locate many stores in big cities to meet the needs of big populations. McDonalds Location. McDonalds is a franchise so it is not actually McDonalds that choose the locations of all restaurants. But the franchisors will try to locate in busy shopping areas. I am going to pick a good and a bad example of McDonald’s location and explain why I feel they are bad. On the below maps I am showing where McDonald’s have recently set up a new restaurant in Pembroke Dock next to the Tesco store. On both maps on the previous page you can see that the locations McDonalds have chosen both are competitor free. By this I mean that in both locations there are no other competing restaurants. This is good because McDonalds do not have to worry about losing custom to other restaurants. Also on the maps on the previous page the McDonalds stores are in the middle a community. This means it should be relatively easy to find employees. This is because they are in the middle of two large populations. The populations of Haverfordwest and Pembroke Dock are: Population of Pembroke Dock: Population 8,676 Post town PEMBROKE DOCK Postcode district SA72 [] Population of Haverfordwest: Population 10,808[1] Post town HAVERFORDWEST Postcode district SA61, SA62 [] The populations of these towns are on a reasonably large scale, so I think that it would be easy for McDonald’s to find employees. As you can see from the maps on the previous page these stores are very close to raw material and have good travel systems around them. I think that they are in prime locations for travelling and raw materials. McDonalds will have a lot of choice for land because of the area in hand. It has a lot of undeveloped areas in the towns. In Pembroke Dock there is now a new plot that already has a building on that McDonalds could take up. I think that this would be a more suitable location because they will be attract the custom that comes across the bridge. The ring on the left of the above map is where McDonalds currently have a restaurant. The ring on the right of the above map is where property has become unoccupied. I think that McDonalds could relocate there restaurant here because there is a lot of traffic that come across the bridge and heads away from where the current restaurant is currently located. Although some traffic heads towards town more heads away. I have conducted my own survey to see how many cars that comes across the bridge head towards Carew and Pembroke and how many head toward Pembroke Dock over a one hour interval. Below is my table of results that I recorded. Towards Pembroke Dock. Towards Pembroke and Carew. [] Both Tesco and McDonalds could use this
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
A Rose For Emily by Willaim Faulkner Essay examples
A Rose For Emily nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;William Faulkners story A Rose For Emily, is a tragic story about a young lady by the name of Miss Emily Grierson. Emily came from a well to do family, that had allot of history in the town they lived in. The Griersons were so powerful, that they did not have to pay any taxes. The whole town seemed to think that the Griersons were snobby because in Emilys fathers eyes, none of the men where quite good enough for Emily. Unfortunately, Emily turned out an old maid because of her father. By the age of 30, the whole town felt sorry for Emily because they knew that she would not be getting married. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The death of Emilys father displayed a different side of Emily.†¦show more content†¦These authorities started to trouble Emily. If it was not a letter of collection that the mayor sent to Emily, it was a complaint of a foul smell coming from Emilys home. The mayor even sprayed lime around Emilys home to fight the awful smell of dead animal. Emily paid no mind, she was old, gray haired, and demented. Finally, Emily died in her in her bed at age seventy. The weird circumstance about her death was that along with her body lying in a bed, the authorities also found the cadaver of Homer Barron. The bones laid at rest in a bedroom in Emilys house. Homers arms were in an everlasting embrace. On the pillow next to him, authorities found a hair strand from Emilys head. Poor Emily had to kill Homer Barron in order to keep him in her life forever. I loved the ending to this story, because I would have never thought that Emily would have killed Homer. I wonder what was going through Emilys mind before she killed Homer. I bet it must have been pretty lonely for Emily. I also loved the way the narrator spoke from the towns people point of view, because it helped me to project an image of Emily. The foreshadowing given to me about the murder of Homer, made me laugh. I did not notice the foreshadowing until I read about the discovery of Homers body. I really enjoyed reading this story. A Rose For Emily, by William Faulkner, ended up being a story about a woman who did not let herself become an old maid.
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