Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Sun Gods essays
Sun Gods essays You climb the steep stairs of the temple. As you look around, you see the blood of your fellow prisoners pooled on the floor. You see the priests. They are caked with the blood of their former victims. You hear the drums start. They will muffle your screams. The time is 1531. The place is the great Aztec city of Tenochtitlan. You are about to have your heart ripped out of your still living body to appease the angry gods. This is an example of sun worship. In some cultures, the sun was a blood-hungry deity that required human hearts to shine. To others the sun was the creator of the earth and every thing on the earth. The three most noteworthy cultures that had solar religion were the ancient Egyptians and Aztecs. All of these civilizations had a belief of sacred kingship and an extremely well developed urban culture. For example, when the Spanish conquistadors came to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan they were amazed by the city. "We were amazed....on account of the g reat towers and temples and buildings rising from the water, and all built of masonry. And some of our soldiers even asked whether the things we saw were not in a dream." 1 Their rulers governed by the power of the sun and their royal families believed that they were descended from the sun. Forms of sun worship still exist today, in the mien of some of Christianitys most revered holidays and our modern customs. "Cults of the sun, as we know from many sources, had attained great vogue during the second, third and fourth centuries. Sun-worshippers indeed formed one of the big groups in that religious world in which Christianity was fighting for a place. Many of them became converts to Christianity and in all probability carried into their new religion some remnants of their old beliefs. The complaint of Pope Leo in the fifth century that worshippers in St. Peters turned away from the altar and faced the door so that they could adore the...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Biography of Amalasuntha, Queen of the Ostrogoths
Biography of Amalasuntha, Queen of the Ostrogoths We have three sources for the details of Amalasunthas life and rule: the histories of Procopius, the Gothic History of Jordanes (a summary version of a lost book by Cassiodorus), and the letters of Cassiodorus. All were written shortly after the Ostrogothic kingdom in Italy was defeated. Gregory of Tours, writing in the later 6th century, also mentions Amalasuntha. Procopius version of events, however, has many inconsistencies. In one account Procopius praises the virtue of Amalasuntha; in another, he accuses her of manipulation. In his version of this history, Procopius makes the Empress Theodora complicit in Amalasunthas death but he is often focused on depicting the Empress as a great manipulator. Known for: ruler of the Ostrogoths, first as regent for her sonDates: 498-535 (reigned 526-534)Religion: Arian ChristianAlso known as: Amalasuentha, Amalasvintha, Amalasvente, Amalasontha, Amalasonte, Queen of the Goths, Queen of the Ostrogoths, Gothic Queen, Regent Queen Background and Early Life Amalasuntha was the daughter of Theodoric the Great, king of the Ostrogoths, who had taken power in Italy with the support of the eastern emperor. Her mother was Audofleda, whose brother, Clovis I, was the first king to unite the Franks, and whose wife, Saint Clotilde, is credited with bringing Clovis into the Roman Catholic Christian fold. Amalasunthas cousins thus included the warring sons of Clovis and Clovis daughter, also named Clotilde, who married Amalasunthas half-nephew, Amalaric of the Goths. She was apparently well educated, speaking Latin, Greek, and Gothic fluently. Marriage and Regency Amalasuntha was married to Eutharic, a Goth from Spain, who died in 522. They had two children; their son was Athalaric. When Theodoric died in 526, his heir was Amalasunthas son Athalaric. Because Athalaric was only ten, Amalasuntha became regent for him. After Athalarics death while still a child, Amalasuntha joined forces with the next closest heir to the throne, her cousin Theodahad or Theodad (sometimes called her husband in accounts of her rule). With the advice and support of her minister Cassiodorus, who had also been an advisor to her father, Amalasuntha seems to have continued a close relationship with the Byzantine emperor, now Justinian as when she permitted Justinian to use Sicily as a base for Belisarius invasion of the Vandals in North Africa. Opposition by the Ostrogoths Perhaps with Justinians and Theodahads support or manipulation, Ostrogoth nobles opposed Amalasunthas policies. When her son was alive, these same opponents had protested her giving her son a Roman, classical education, and instead had insisted that he receive training as a soldier. Eventually, the nobles rebelled against Amalasuntha, and exiled her to Bolsena in Tuscany in 534, ending her reign. There, she was later strangled by relatives of some men she had earlier ordered killed. Her murder probably was undertaken with her cousins approval Theodahad may have had reason to believe that Justinian wanted Amalasuntha removed from power. The Gothic War But after Amalasunthas murder, Justinian sent Belisarius to launch the Gothic War, retaking Italy and deposing Theodahad. Amalasuntha also had a daughter, Matasuntha or Matasuentha (among other renderings of her name). She apparently married Witigus, who briefly reigned after Theodahads death. She was then married to Justinians nephew or cousin, Germanus, and was made a Patrician Ordinary. Gregory of Tours, in his History of the Franks, mentions Amalasuntha and tells a story, which is most likely not historical, of Amalasuntha eloping with a slave who was then killed by her mothers representatives and then of Amalasuntha killing her mother by putting poison in her communion chalice. Procopius About Amalasuntha An excerpt from Procopius of Caesaria: The Secret History How Theodora treated those who offended her will now be shown, though again I can give only a few instances, or obviously there would be no end to the demonstration.When Amasalontha decided to save her life by surrendering her queendom over the Goths and retiring to Constantinople (as I have related elsewhere), Theodora, reflecting that the lady was well-born and a Queen, more than easy to look at and a marvel at planning intrigues, became suspicious of her charms and audacity: and fearing her husbands fickleness, she became not a little jealous, and determined to ensnare the lady to her doom.
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