Thursday, May 21, 2020
Common Graduate School Admissions Essay Topics
Without a doubt, the admissions essay is the most challenging part of the graduate school application. Fortunately, many graduate programs provide some guidance by posting specific questions for applicants to answer. However, if you are still in need of ideas for an admissions essay, look no further. Composing the graduate admissions essay will never be easy but considering the range of topics ahead of time may help you in planning an effective essay that aids your graduate school application. Experience and Qualifications Academic Achievements: Discuss your academic background and achievements. Of which are you most proud?Research Experiences: Discuss your work in research as an undergraduate.Internships and Field Experience: Discuss your applied experiences in this field. How have these experiences shaped your career goals?Personal Experience and Philosophy: Write an autobiographical essay. Is there anything in your background that you think would be relevant to your application for admission to graduate school? Describe your life up to now: family, friends, home, school, work, and particularly those experiences most relevant to your interests in psychology. What is your approach to life?Strengths and Weaknesses: Discuss your personal and academic skills. Identify your strengths and weaknesses. How will these contribute to your success as a graduate student and professional? How do you compensate for your weaknesses? Interests and Goals Immediate Objectives: Why do you plan to attend graduate school? Explain how you expect graduate school will contribute to your career goals. What do you plan to do with your degree?Career Plans: What are your long-term career goals? Where do you see yourself, career-wise, ten years after graduation?Academic Interests: What would you like to study? Describe your academic interests. What areas would you like to research?Match to Faculty: Explain how your research interests match those of the faculty. With whom would you like to work? Who would you choose as your mentor? Essay Advice Most of your grad school applications will require similar essays, but you not should write a generic essay for all of the programs to which youre applying. Instead, tailor your essay to match each program. This is especially true when describing your research interests and their match to the training provided by the graduate program. Your goal is to show how your interests and abilities fit the program and faculty. Make it clear that you are invested in the program by identifying how your skills and interests match specific faculty in the program as well as the grad programs stated objectives.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
anthropology zoo observations - 1033 Words
Daniela Hunt Dr. Eisentraut Anth101 T/TH October 22,2013 Zoo Assignment For the primate observation project I went to the Santa Barbara zoo to observe and contrast different types of primates. I observed one species of an old world monkey, which was a gorilla and two different species of new world monkeys, which were the Bolivian Grey Titi Monkey and also the Golden Lion Tamerin. The first type of primate I observed was a Bolivian Grey Titi Monkey which is a type of new world monkey species found in areas of eastern Bolivia and also can be found in Brazil. The scientific term for this species is Callicebus donacophilus. These types of monkeys have medium sized body†¦show more content†¦I observed a type of Ape known as the Western Lowland Gorilla. The scientific name for a Gorilla is the Gorilla gorilla. Gorillas are the largest of all living primates and at native to west central Africa. Gorillas exhibit sexual dimorphism within their species because males are very obviously much larger than females. The size of the gorillas came across very intimating and gave me an off impression of what this specie was actually going to be like. While observing the gorillas I noticed that these creatures are very slow, lethargic primates. Gorillas move quadrupedally by putting weight down on their arms and knuckles as they walk. They have hands and opposable thum bs, like humans, and are able to grasp things with a better grip. When Gorillas need to reach above themselves such as for leaves or branches they are able to stand on both legs while reaching. While resting Gorillas sit on their bottoms, legs to the side in a similar position that humans do. When resting I noticed that sometimes Gorillas like to take advantage of the moment by self grooming, using their hands. Gorillas usually have an herbivore diet but eat occasional insects. Due to their large body structure it is harder for them move around quickly so they do not need to eat foods that contain as much nutrients and proteins as smaller,Show MoreRelatedPrimate Behavior a Study of Orangutans and Mandrills Essay1562 Words  | 7 PagesDuring my research of Orangutans and Mandrills I observed them in captivity at the San Diego Zoo. My observations included a 20 minute observation of each primate as it cohabitated with other Primates and with other members of its own species. My f indings will support the research of Orangutans and Mandrills through firsthand observations. My observation of the orangutan habitat was on a sunny and hot day with the average temperature being between 65-70F. The Enclosure for the orangutans was aRead MorePrimate Essay1472 Words  | 6 PagesMarlene Martinez Anthropology 101 May 17, 2014 Zoo Assignment Monkeys and humans have been compared for years, we have all heard the expression â€Å"Monkey see, Monkey do†. 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Homeland of the Free Free Essays
In the poem â€Å"Let American Be America Again†by Langston Hughes, the author portrays America as a place where people try to escape their old life of oppression and struggles to this so called â€Å"American Dream†. But, what they find is â€Å"the same old stupid plan of dog eat dog†. Hughes sees that American is being seen as a ideal utopia while he actually views America as a place where there are too many obstacles in the way to achieve the American Dream. We will write a custom essay sample on Homeland of the Free or any similar topic only for you Order Now The dream is only stood in the way by the obstacles we create. For the dream to come true, change must happen. â€Å"The dream that’s almost dead today†. The dream is not what it is but, the dream is what you want it to be. The dream pushes down other people when also, the people who are degrading others are no better. Hughes believes the dream is made out of three things: liberty, equality, and opportunity. He hopes that United States will be the dream where â€Å"opportunity is real, and life is free†. Obstacles that we create are made by our selfishness by being tangled in the â€Å"ancient endless chain Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land! . We discriminate against each other which makes it harder to achieve our goals and dreams. Because of the hatred between each other to certain people makes it that, The Homeland of the free was never The Homeland of the free to them. In the text Hughes states that change is needed if we are to achieve this dream. Hughes says that the U. S. A. has never been the dream it should be. Yet, it must be the dream where it is â€Å"the land where everyman is free. That the land is everyone, the people who made America, â€Å"the poor man’s, Indian’s, Negro’s, MEâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ . We have to work hard to â€Å"bring back our mighty dream again. †The vision of America that Hughes shows is that the U. S. A. is not what it should be. He shows it as a place where America is no different from anywhere else, and that the same things happen. How can America be a utopia if it is made out of imperfect people? He also shows that even though America has not achieved this dream yet, it must become this dream, because America is the dream. How to cite Homeland of the Free, Papers
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